Animated Pink Cute Ghost

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

52 weeks Lolita Challenge - 4 ~ Favorite thing to put on my head

Hello everyone! This week is soooo~ easy for me!
What do you guess I prefer on my head?? Flowers of course!!
I really love the classic and elegant touch they give, the adaptability to every lolita style.
I like bows too and this is my little collection of headdresses!

Everythings by H&M except the last red flowers and the sax/yellow bows by Accessorize

First row: made by myself
Second row: Surface Spell and Angelic Pretty
Third Row: Accessorize

First row: H&M and Accessorize
Second row: H&M kids and Accessorize
Third row: Angelic Pretty

I hope to increase my skills and be able one day to make beautiful headdresses by myself. In this regard, I've bought these

because I want to try to make an ott headdress for my Little Bird Symphonia!
I hope to make it right!


  1. Ma davvero li hai fatti tu i cerchietti con le rose?
    Sono meravigliosi!

    1. Grazie!! XD is sono stati i primi esperimenti! Ora volevo mettermi seriamente a provare a farne altri!

    2. Ma sei bravissima! Potresti anche venderli se sono così carini!

    3. no ti assicuro che sotto sono un intreccio di fili/fildiferro/colla e schifezze varie! mi vergognerei a venderli in quello stato! ma magari un giorno, migliorando.. :D
